The Pushkar Fair, an annual livestock and cultural festival, is going on in the Pushkar city of Rajasthan. This year it will be held between Monday (20 Nov) and Tuesday (28 Nov).Also called the Pushkar Camel Fair, it starts with the Hindu calendar month of Kartik and ends on the Kartik Purnima. It typically coincides with late October and early November in the Gregorian calendar.It is one of the largest camel, horse, and cattle fairs in India. In addition to the trading of livestock, it is an important pilgrimage season for Hindus to the Pushkar Lake.Given the cooler season, the Pushkar Fair has also become a notable tourist attraction for domestic and international travellers.Cultural events and competitions include dances, the “longest moustache” contest, tug of war between women teams as well as men teams, the “matka phod”, “bridal competition”, races of camels, and others.Here are some photos. Have a look:
Camel herders during the annual Pushkar Fair, in Pushkar. (PTI Photo)
Foreign tourists with a participant of the ‘longest moustache’ competition during the annual Pushkar Fair, in Pushkar. (PTI Photo)
A camel herder during sunrise at the annual Pushkar Fair, in Pushkar. (PTI Photo)
Camels at the annual Pushkar Fair, in Pushkar. (PTI)
A foreign tourist interacts with children at the annual Pushkar Fair, in Pushkar. (PTI Photo)
A camel herder during the annual Pushkar Fair, in Pushkar. (PTI Photo)