Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday arrived at Adi Kailash peak at Jolingkong, Pithoragarh District of Uttarakhand. He visited Adi Kailash, an abode of Lord Shiva and also offered prayers at Jageshwar Dham and Parvati Kund. (PTI Photos)
In a post on X the Prime Minister expressed joy on being able to have Darshan of Aadi Kailash. He prayed for the welfare and happy life of all the countrymen. (Narendra Modi/Twitter)
Adi-Kailash is well known for its spiritual importance and natural beauty. Prime Minister has sought blessings from the holy place. (PTI Photo)
Adi Kailash is an ancient holy place in the Himalayan Range. It is similar to Mount Kailash in Tibet. (PTI Photo)
The Prime Minister also performed pooja and darshan at Jageshwar Dham. It is located at a height of about 6200 feet, the Jageshwar Dham comprises of about 224 stone temples. (PTI Photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives to offer prayers at Parvati Kund. (PTI Photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Parvati Kund, in Pithoragarh. (PTI Photo)
The Prime Minister is in Uttarakhand to inaugurate, dedicate to nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects worth about Rs 4200 crore. (Narendra Modi/Twitter)
These projects include such as rural development, road, power, irrigation, drinking water, horticulture, education, health and disaster management, among others. (PTI Photo)
Later in the day, he will also interact with the local people, and visit an exhibition highlighting local art and products. He will also interact with personnels of Army, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Border Roads Organisation (BRO). (PTI Photo)