The stock price of FSN E-Commerce Ventures, the operator of online beauty and fashion retailer Nykaa soared over 5% to Rs 154.8 a day after the company posted a profit of Rs 7.80 crore during the second quarter of FY24, up 50.3% in comparison to Rs 5.19 crore during the corresponding quarter of last year. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 1507.02 crore, up 22.4 per cent as against Rs 1230.83 crore during the second quarter of FY23. This, the company said, was despite the festive season witnessing a delay this year, moving into October versus commencing in September last year.
Nykaa’s share price gained 6.35% in the last five days, nearly 2% in the last one month and 16.20% in the last six months, while it dropped 3.45% year to date.
JM Financial: Buy – Target Price: Rs 210
“Overall, the company reported 25%YoY GMV growth with BPC/Fashion/Others growing at 23%/27%/54%, respectively. Consolidated GMV for Q2FY24 was at Rs 2940 crore with Rs 1500/1510 crore in NSV / revenue. Gross Margin declined by 221bps YoY due to base effect due to festive season starting early last year. However, EBITDA Margin expanded by 38bps YoY as employee expenses remained stable while declining ~90bps YoY as % of revenue. The company has delivered growth on transacting customers as well as AOVs and we find operating metrics again turning healthy. We reiterate ‘Buy’ rating with Target Price of Rs 210 (~42% upside) as we find strong conviction on earlier than expected profitability in Fashion.”
(The recommendations in this story are by the respective research analysts and brokerage firms. does not bear any responsibility for their investment advice. Capital markets investments are subject to rules and regulations. Please consult your investment advisor before investing.)