Heavy rainfall lashed several areas of Delhi in the morning of July 6. Daily commuters who were on their way to work got drenched as the clouds poured for hours. The IMD has predicted light to moderate rainfall and thundershowers in the capital. It has also said that the rainfall will continue on Friday and the weekend.As per the IMD, the maximum temperature in Delhi today is likely to be around 35 degrees while the minimum temperature early in the day was 26.5 degree Celsius.
People commute through a waterlogged road amid monsoon rains in New Delhi on July 6. (Image: PTI)
A man caught in heavy rain in New Delhi. (Image: PTI)
People holding umbrellas walk to their offices in New Delhi. (Image: PTI)
Vehicles move through a waterlogged road. (Image: PTI)
People holding umbrella walk on the Kartavya Path in New Delhi. (Image: PTI)
A man along with his pet walks down a waterlogged load as people commute amid monsoon rains. (Image: PTI)
Over the past 24 hours, the Safdarjung weather station recorded 5.3 mm of rainfall. (Image: PTI)