LTIMindtree’s share price fell 1.04% to Rs 5,401 during the intra-day on Friday. Despite today’s downfall in the stock price of the company, the brokerage houses have shown optimism on the stock. The share price, however, surged nearly 6% yesterday on the news of the company’s earnings in Q2. LTIMindtree, the sixth-largest IT services firm, on Wednesday, reported a sequential rise of less than 1% in its net profit to Rs 1,162 crore for the second quarter, mainly due to a muted revenue growth and the impact of wage hikes carried out during the quarter.
Let’s delve into the calls of some of prominent brokerage houses-
Jefferies: Hold – Target Price: Rs 5,575
“LTIMindtree’s 2Q results beat estimates with both revenues and margins surprising positively. Management expects a pick-up in growth across several verticals led by timely deal ramp-ups. A strong 20% YoY growth in deal wins, headcount additions after three straight quarters of decline offers comfort on 2H being better than 1H. We raise our estimates by 1-5% and expect LTIMindtree to deliver 20% EPS CAGR over FY24-26. We raise our Target Price to Rs 5,575 and upgrade LTIMindtree to ‘Hold’.”
Anand Rathi: Buy – Target Price: Rs 6,010
“LTIMindtree had a relatively strong Q2, with 1.6% sequential growth and TCV wins of $1.3bn, up 20% y/y. Growth was broad based across sectors barring BFSI, which declined sequentially. Hi-Tech also grew. Book-to-bill was 1.2x (LTM average 1.3x), suggesting on-time ramp-ups. Q2 EBIT margin declined 70bps q/q, 152bps y/y, to 16%, on wage hikes and resumption of hiring. Estimates largely unchanged; target tweaked to Rs 6,010 (from Rs 6,060) 26x FY26e (rolled forward). We maintain a ‘Buy’.”
(The recommendations in this story are by the respective research analysts and brokerage firms. does not bear any responsibility for their investment advice. Capital markets investments are subject to rules and regulations. Please consult your investment advisor before investing.)