Raksha Bandhan is being celebrated across India. On this day, sisters tie Rakhi, a sacred thread, around their brother’s wrists and wish them a prosperous and healthy life, while the brothers promise to protect and cherish their sisters. This year Raksha Bandhan falls on August 30 and 31. On the occasion, Soldiers and paramilitary personnel posted far away from home along the Line of Control and International Border across the nation celebrated Raksha Bandhan with locals. Take a look at heartwarming images –
Women tie ‘rakhis’ on the wrists of Army personnel to celebrate Raksha Bandhan festival, in Prayagraj. (PTI Photo)
Women constables of the Border Security Force (BSF) tie rakhi to their male colleagues during Raksha Bandhan near the India-Bangladesh border at Dangee in South Dinajpur district. (PTI Photo)
School girls tie ‘rakhi’ on the wrists of Indian Army soldiers during celebrations of ‘Raksha Bandhan’ festival, in Poonch. (PTI Photo)
Women tie ‘rakhi’ on the wrist of Border Security Force (BSF) personnel during the ‘Raksha Bandhan’ celebrations, at the Indo-Bangladesh Border near Agartala. (PTI Photo)
Schoolgirls tie ‘rakhi’ to Border Security Force (BSF) personnel on ‘Raksha Bandhan’, near the India-Pakistan Border at Suchetgarh about 35 km from Jammu. (PTI Photo)
Muslim women tie ‘rakhi’ to police officials on Raksha Bandhan, in Thane. (PTI Photo)