The restoration work is going on at the full swing day after major collision between passenger trains on the Howrah-Chennai line in Andhra Pradesh’s Vizianagaram district. As per government, a total of 14 people have died in the accident while 50 others are injured. Injured have already been admitted in hospital for medical check ups. As many as five coaches and locomotives have been severely destroyed in the incident. Of these two coacjedbelonged to Palasa Passenger, and two coacheds and the locomotive were part of Rayagada Passenger train.A total of 33 trains have been cancelled and six others have been rescheduled. Here are some of the photos from the tragic site.
Rescue operations going on at fast pace at the site. (PTI Photo)
People gather at the site on Monday (PTI Photo)
Crane being brought in at the site after the incident. (PTI Photo)
Wreckage of derailed coaches of two passenger trains after their collision on Sunday in Vizianagaram district (PTI Photo)
NDRF and other emergency services personnel conduct rescue operation after multiple coaches of two passenger trains derailed following a collision, in Vizianagaram district. (PTI Photo)
Rescue operation continue after several coaches of two passenger trains derailed after an accident in Vizianagaram district. (PTI Photo)