Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate Pragati Maidan’s revamped ITPO complex on July 26. The complex, which has a campus area of approximately 123 acres, will host the upcoming India’s G20 Leaders meetings. It also consists of a Convention Centre which has a huge seating capacity of 7,000 individuals! This makes it bigger than the iconic Sydney Opera House in Australia which has a seating capacity of approximately 5500. We are here to give you an inside looks into one of the grand infrastructural marvels of India with these magnificent pics. Take a look! (Image: PIB India)
The sheer magnitude of the IECC’s stature and infrastructure stands as a remarkable testament to India’s exceptional capability in hosting world-class events on a grand scale. (Image: PIB India)
Boasting a sprawling campus area of around 123 acres, the Pragati Maidan Complex rightfully claims the distinction of being India’s largest MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) destination. (Image: PIB India)
Among the world’s premier Exhibition and Convention Complexes, the redeveloped and modern IECC Complex secures a spot in the Top 10, showcasing its remarkable covered space for hosting events. (Image: PIB India)
The Convention Centre has a grand seating capacity of 7,000 individuals! (Image: PIB India)
The complex has a magnificent Amphitheater with a seating capacity of 3,000 individuals i.e., equivalent to 3 PVR theatres combined! (Image: PIB India)
Considering the G20 leader’s meeting will be held here, there is provision of over 5,500 vehicle parking spaces. (Image: PIB India)
The complex stands in league with colossal venues like the Hannover Exhibition Centre in Germany and the National Exhibition and Convention Center (NECC) in Shanghai. (Image: PIB India)