The celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi festival commenced on Tuesday. The start of the 10-day festival was marked with people installing idols of Lord Ganesh in their homes and at pandals across the country. People brought idols to their homes mostly on Monday night or Tuesday morning as they chanted ‘Ganpati Bappa Morya’. Many film and television personalities also welcomed the deity to their homes. The festival is celebrated each year with great enthusiasm and energy across India.
Ganesh Chaturthi is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi and Ganeshotsav and marks the auspicious occasion of Lord Ganesha’s birth. (Image: PTI)
As per the Hindu calendar, the festivities of Ganesh Chaturthi begin on the fourth day of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada. (Image: PTI)
Mumbai has witnessed the highest number of pandals in the city this year. (Image: PTI)
Priests and devotees offer prayers to Lord Ganesha at a community puja pandal on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Kolkata. (Image: PTI)
People were seen carrying the idols in autorickshaws, cars, and other modes of transport. (Image: PTI)
School students offer prayer to Lord Ganesha in Bhubaneswar. (Image: PTI)
Several politicians were seen celebrating the festival. (Image: PTI)
At the conclusion of the celebrations families immerse the idols. (Image: PTI)