Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended a banquet dinner at the Louvre Museum in Paris on July 14. The dinner was hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron and First Lady Brigitte Macron. Modi was seen raising a toast to the India-France relations at the banquet dinner. He also highlighted the friendship and the similarities between India and France during the dinner. Here’s a look at the photos from the event. (Image: PTI/AP)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the French President Emmanuel Macron for a State Banquet at the Louvre Museum, in Paris on July 14, 2023. (Image: PTI Photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron arrive for a State Banquet at the Louvre Museum, in Paris on July 14. (Image: PTI Photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron arrives for a State Banquet at the Louvre Museum, in Paris. (Image: PTI Photo)
PM Modi with the French President Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron at the Louvre Museum, in Paris. (Image: PTI Photo)
PM Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron wave before their talks at the Elysee Palace in Paris on July 14, 2023. (Image: AP Photo/Aurelien Morissard)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte Macron at the Louvre Museum, in Paris. (Image: PTI Photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi gifts Sandalwood Sitar to French President Emmanuel Macron, in Paris on July 14, 2023. (Image: PTI Photo)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a meeting with President of the National Assembly, Braun Pivet and other senior leaders of the assembly, in Paris, France, on July 14, 2023. (Image: PTI Photo)
French President Emmanuel Macron and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi shake hands prior to attending a meeting at the Foreign Affairs ministry in Paris. France is looking to further strengthen cooperation on an array of topics ranging from climate to military sales and the strategic Indo-Pacific region. (Image: AP/PTI)